Focusing On The Stakeholders: Modivcare CFO Barbara Gutierrez
“I strive to avoid complex accounting jargon and instead use visuals to illustrate performance and strategy and to convey a clear and engaging message,” says the healthcare services CFO.
“I strive to avoid complex accounting jargon and instead use visuals to illustrate performance and strategy and to convey a clear and engaging message,” says the healthcare services CFO.
A January survey of U.S. CFOs and CHROs finds the rising cost of healthcare a growing burden on companies’ profitability.
“After going through the process, I’m more confident that a successful transition from private to public takes years of preparation,” says David Morris, CFO of Guardian Pharmacy Services.
“Any professional procurement person is not going to be excited to hear about a price increase, but they’ll accept it,” says Simon-Kucher’s Adam Echter.
‘As the CFO, you are the person who needs to be willing and consistently able to tell the CEO, the board and even employees what’s not going well.’
The business of insurance is preparing for calamities, but how do the industry’s CFOs guard against economic surprises? Andrea Hecht, CFO of CSAA Insurance Group, shares some best practices.
The Q1 CFO Confidence Index finds CFOs hopeful that a lighter regulatory approach by Washington will boost revenues and customer spending in 2025.
Brian Miller, CFO of Tyler Technologies, discusses the importance of maintaining a strong workplace culture, upgrading talent and forming intra-organizational connections.
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